How to Get on Medicaid as Well as Other Hard Things to Get 
Today it is harder more than ever to get Medicaid when you need it. The government tries everything to deny you from receiving it. If you follow these steps it may help you get it as well as many other things you are told you cannot get.
Start Writing All Your Problems
Make a list of all your problems each time you go to the doctor. Date the list and save it on the computer Title it and date it and then click save
Make a list of all you medicines and put a date when started out on your computer. If it is discontinued beside the name of medicine write discontinued and the date it was discontinued. Save it on the computer Title it and date it, and then click save.
What may happen
Each time you go to the doctor you hand the doctor the list. The doctors today spend very little time with you. Handing a list no matter how long it is tells the doctor what he need to answer before you leave. You also cannot say you forgot to ask something. Also hand him your list of medicines. Don’t just print out one copy print out 3 or 4 copies. You may be directed to other people so they will also need a copy. You also want to see the copy yourself as however is going through it.Having those list you will get more and get things done.
The Power of a List and Writing things Out
When my Father was in a nursing home and they did not want to do as I ask because it cost both time , money, and they wanted to be in control, not you being in control of them. I started writing everything out how they were hurting my Father of his independence. They did not want to allow me to use products that would take more of their time as well as the cost. I then got the long term care ombudsman program. The person who work with me I wrote letters each week and save them on my computer. The nursing home lost every time. I got everything I needed to get and got the job done. My Father drank and feed for himself for almost 3 more years. Without the things I fought for using he would never had been able to do so.
When I went to caretakers meetings they only want to spend 15 minutes at the most. They try to rush you in and out. I walked in with a list of everything needed to be solved. I made 15 copies and said take one and pass it around. Then everyone knew what had to be solved before I left no matter how long it took. If anything had been address about the pass I then could go back to my computer about prior lists. It got the job done.
So Now You Need Medicaid
Since today it is very hard to get Medicaid and they will try to deny you. Your homework is already done. All you need to do is print out all your medicine lists and all the problems you have gone through for many years. Since you having many pages for many years is more powerful than a few pages describing the past and present. They will see a bigger picture and what you have been going through and you are more likely to be approved